Sculptra Aesthetic injections use poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Unlike dermal fillers, Sculptra Aesthetic works gradually over several months, providing a long-lasting natural-looking result. Sculptra Aesthetic injections are a popular choice for individuals who want to improve the appearance of sagging lower face and jowls, treat fine lines and wrinkles, and address skin laxity without undergoing surgery or other invasive procedures.


Collagen is a natural protein that provides structure, support, and elasticity to the skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to skin laxity, wrinkles, and a loss of volume. Sculptra Aesthetic injections work by triggering the body's natural collagen production process, which helps to restore volume and improve skin texture over time.




  • Sculptra is used to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds on the face. Administered with the appropriate injection technique from a trained specialist, Sculptra is clinically approved for: Deep folds between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds), also called “smile lines” framing the mouth (marionette lines), Chin wrinkles.

  • Typically, three to four injection sessions are recommended, spaced about four to six weeks apart. The exact number of injections needed depends on the individual's aesthetic goals and the severity of their concerns.

  • Sculptra is designed to give you noticeable results that emerge gradually, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t see immediate results. A few days after treatment, you may look as you did before treatment. This is normal and temporary. The Sculptra regimen delivers its full effects with an average of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months.

  • Sculptra is FDA approved in the United States and has been used worldwide since 1999. Sculptra is made of a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid that is absorbed naturally by the body and has been used for years in dissolvable stitches. Since Sculptra does not contain any human or animal components, no allergy testing is needed prior to treatments. Side effects reported include injection site pain, redness, bruising, tenderness, itching and lumps, bleeding or swelling. Small bumps under the skin can sometimes be noticeable when pressing on the treated area. Larger lumps, with or without inflammation, have also been reported.