Therapeutic Injections for Headaches and Migraines


Clinical studies show that neuromodulator injections are effective at relieving a significant number of migraines and tension headaches, as well as their associated symptoms. Not only have they been shown to relieve the pain of the migraines, but to also result in fewer attacks overall.



  • Targeted Pain Relief

  • Improved Range of Motion

  • Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive

  • Quick, in-office procedure

  • No downtime or recovery


  • Forehead

  • Glabella (between eyebrows)

  • Lateral Brows

  • Masseter Muscle (Jaw)

  • Temporalis Muscle

  • Occipitofrontalis and Trapezius Muscles


  • Migraines

  • Tension Headaches

  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)

  • Jaw Pain

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder

  • Trigger Point Pain


Jaw Pain Treatment at Best Med Spa in South Wisconsin

Our team of board-certified providers will begin by identifying your specific trigger points with a thorough exam and palpation of the affected muscles. Once located, a small needle is inserted directly into the trigger point, delivering the medication precisely to the affected area. This results in relaxed muscle fibers, and reduced inflammation pain, allowing for improved mobility and function.

Trigger point injections can bring quick pain-relief with many people experiencing pain relief immediately after their treatment. Plus, results can last for three to six months! Even better? Treatment of facial muscles for migraine or headache has the added bonus of smoothing wrinkles!


  • Trigger points are hypersensitive localized bundles of tight muscle fibers, creating pain or a pinching sensation. They occur due to muscle injury or overuse.

  • Each muscle group is injected with 5 to 30 units of neurotoxin, depending on your specific needs.

  • You should be able to return to your regular activities immediately after the procedure! You may experience some numbness and tingling around the injection site, which will typically only last for a few hours. Once it wears off, you might have some tenderness or swelling, but this should also resolve quickly.

  • The length of time of pain relief from trigger point injections varies from person to person. On average, you can expect results to last for three to six months!